
i szkolenia

Certyfikowany program
Lean Six Sigma

Diagnoza potencjałów
w procesach biznesowych i operacyjnych

Program Transformacji
by Simpler Group

Program Total
Productive Maintenance

Rozwiązywania Problemów

Working in silo or seperated "process islands" is still common practice in many organisations. Our scope of PROCESS MANAGEMENT is focused on end-to-end activities of clients. By doing so we break the silo pattern.


Focus on the process and the rest will follow. That statement represents our thinking about functioning of organisations, teams and individuals. We are also conscious how important it is in today's business environment to reach goals and drive the business by following set of indicators. We support these efforts with our Performance Management program. What differs our approach from "traditional" thinking is that results are consequence of focusing on here and now. In that sense we shift the focus from goals to execution as means to reach the goals.


Our process approach is built on understanding of culture and ways of working in customer's organisation. Process management is a set of methods and tools tailored to specific needs. Our journey always starts with observation and comprehension. We talk with teams and individual persons, we map business and operational processes, we assess, finally - we connect the dots, fill gaps and reduce wastes. We do this by looking at our customer's business and processes as one organism - a number of connected activities and relations embedded in the culture. 


Within Process Management scope we especially use following concepts:


  • Business and operational processes mapping
  • Waste and inefficiencies analysis along full value chain
  • Organisation structure supporting end-to-end process approach (Global Process Ownership, Value Stream Management and other)
  • Efficient and effective Meeting Structure
  • Team Autonomy / Self-organising teams
  • Independent problem solving
  • Process improvement as continued way to become better every hour, every day


Want to learn more about Process Management? Contact us: Kontakt