
i szkolenia

Certyfikowany program
Lean Six Sigma

Diagnoza potencjałów
w procesach biznesowych i operacyjnych

Program Transformacji
by Simpler Group

Program Total
Productive Maintenance

Rozwiązywania Problemów

Well described problem is halfway through solved problem.

Problem Solving

70-80% of problem solving efforts turn out to be unsuccessful. This is due to not well enough definition and understanding of what the real problem is. Most common habit is drawing conclussion too quickly and creating solutions that do not address the root cause (-s). During our problem solving sessions we pay special attention to problem definition. Problem definition that is thorough, based on observations, analyses and facts gathered along the process. Therefore actions leading to solution are natural consequence, product of the above process.


Want to learn about our Problem Solving approach? Contact us now: Kontakt (link)